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Social media marketing can be both exciting and challenging in the real estate space, especially when it comes to determining the optimal frequency of your posts. The ever-evolving nature of social media platforms leaves many REALTORS® pondering the question: “How often should I be posting?” In fact, that’s one of THE most frequently asked questions when it comes to social media marketing.

It’s a question that has no one-size-fits-all answer, as the ideal posting frequency varies across platforms. To shed some light on this topic, we’ve delved into extensive research and sought advice from industry experts, eager to bring you valuable insights. Keep in mind that the recommendations we present here are merely guidelines to kickstart your social media strategy. It’s crucial to remember that every audience is unique, so don’t hesitate to experiment and fine-tune your approach based on your specific audience’s engagement and preferences. With that in mind, let’s explore the recommended posting frequencies for different social media platforms and unlock the potential for reaching and engaging your target audience.

INSTAGRAM: 3-5 Posts Per Week

A good rule of thumb for Instagram is to post every other day. Did you know that posting regularly on Instagram can give your profile a boost? It’s true! By posting frequently, you increase your chances of getting discovered through the Explore feed, being featured by other accounts, and even appearing in the top search results for specific keywords (hello “new listing”!). Plus, it’s a fantastic way to experiment and see what really connects with your audience. Ideally, these are mixed media posts (static images, videos, reels, carousels, etc.), especially important if you post more than three times per week.

FACEBOOK: 3-5 Posts Per Week

Just like Instagram, adopting an every-other-day strategy for Facebook posting can work wonders. Lots of folks hop onto Facebook to explore businesses and seek out insightful content. So, ask yourself: What kind of initial impression are you making on potential buyers and sellers? Are they greeted with an engaging social media presence, or do they stumble upon a neglected Facebook page that hasn’t been updated since 2016? If your page is incomplete and inactive, there’s a chance they might opt for a competitor who shines brighter on the platform.

TWITTER: 2-3 Posts Per Day

When it comes to Twitter, things move at lightning speed! Although there have been a lot of changes with Twitter in recent months, the platform is still mostly a chronological social network. Therefore, the more a real estate agent can tweet, the more visibility and total clicks their tweets get. This platform is all about real-time news and updates, which means that tweets have a short lifespan. That’s why it’s important to post a little more frequently compared to other social media channels. If you have the time and energy for creating more content on Twitter, go for it! But here’s the good news: you don’t have to become a full-time tweeting machine to keep your brand active and engaged on Twitter. You can still make a big impact without sacrificing your entire schedule (especially if you use a calendar to automatically Tweet for you)! When it comes to Twitter, it’s often a case of quantity over quality. The more you tweet, the higher your chances of appearing in the rapidly growing feed.

LINKEDIN: 1-2 Posts Per Week

Unlike Twitter, it’s all about quality OVER quantity for content. Craft captivating and timely content that sparks engagement. This one is coming straight from the horse’s mouth as LinkedIn itself has some interesting insights to share. According to them, those who post weekly experience twice as much engagement with their content. That’s a significant boost! Also, since LinkedIn is the preferred social media network for professionals, most users visit LinkedIn during the week. Considering this, so try to post Monday-Friday instead of on the weekends when there’s less traffic. Here is a major bonus when it comes to posting on LinkedIn: your content can have a long-lasting presence in user feeds. When someone interacts with your post, it starts appearing in their connections’ news feeds too. 

Finding the right posting frequency on social media is a continuous process of adaptation and experimentation. While our guidelines provide a solid foundation to start from, it’s essential to monitor your audience’s engagement and preferences closely. Keep a close eye on the performance metrics of your posts, such as likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates, to gain valuable insights into what resonates with your audience. Remember, social media is a dynamic landscape, and what works today might not work tomorrow.

Make sure to follow Back At You to stay up to date with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and user behavior to stay ahead of the curve. Ultimately, the key to success lies in striking the right balance between quality content, consistent engagement, and genuine interaction with your audience. So, go forth with confidence, adapt as needed, and let your social media presence flourish, capturing the attention and loyalty of your followers in the process.

You probably already know that social media is the best place to find new leads, maintain relationships, and expand brand awareness, but doing it well and staying up-to-date on best practices is time-consuming and often confusing. Back At You understands it’s not a real estate agent’s priority to come up with creative content, so look no further if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or confused about how to make social media work for your real estate business! Our entire platform was designed to help agents stay a step ahead of the competition by canvassing your market with automation and the latest marketing strategies. If you want to learn more, feel free to email us at and ask how you can get started!