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Short-form video content is no longer simply “new and trendy” … At the risk of stating something quite obvious: short-form video content is a BIG deal on social media, and it’s here to stay. From Instagram Reels to the rapid evolution of YouTube Shorts and the enduring popularity of TikTok, the power of succinct video storytelling is undeniable! To help you navigate this dynamic landscape, we’ve crafted a concise guide tailored to real estate agents looking to harness the potential of short-form videos:

What exactly IS short-form video content?

In a nutshell, short-form videos are concise clips, usually under three minutes in length. The sweet spot, according to 33% of video marketers, is around 31-60 seconds. These bite-sized videos efficiently convey information without demanding extensive viewer commitment. Given the changing landscape of online attention spans, it’s clear that ultra-short video content is here to stay.

How does short-form video impact my social media strategy?

In today’s competitive digital space, ignoring video content in general is no longer an option for any ambitious brand. Video proves itself as a potent tool for boosting brand awareness, fostering engagement, and educating consumers. But why SHORT-form videos? … After all, 83% of marketers who employ short-form videos consider it their most effective format.

Compared to static images, videos seize attention more effectively and create a deeper brand connection. Increased engagement cultivates brand loyalty, encouraging viewers to return for more content. According to a study by Microsoft, you have approximately 8 seconds to capture your audience’s attention. Shorter videos allow you to pack a lot of value into short clips, ensuring the audience watches the video in its entirety. Ultra-short videos are easily digestible, allowing viewers to consume multiple pieces of content in one sitting, making them an ideal channel for knowledge sharing and product education.

Which social media platforms should I use for short-form video content?

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube are enhancing their short-form capabilities as video becomes the cornerstone of their in-app experiences. 

TikTok specializes in short-form mobile videos, spanning 15 seconds to 10 minutes, and their infamous “For You Page” curates personalized video content for each user. Instagram Reels, introduced in 2020, can be up to 90 seconds long and are showcased on various sections of the app, and has rapidly gained traction as a favored feature. YouTube Shorts, the latest from YouTube, are vertical videos lasting 60 seconds or less. With dedicated sections for Shorts, viewers can easily discover and enjoy this concise content.

How do I repurpose my short-form videos?

In the case of repurposing video content, you can take a Reel you’ve created on Instagram and repost it to TikTok and YouTube Shorts, or vice versa! No matter which app you decide to use for filming and editing your video, remember to factor in timing if you’re aiming for content that can smoothly hop between different platforms. As a reminder, here are the time limits you should keep in mind for each channel:

  • TikToks can be up to 10 minutes
  • Instagram Reels can be up to 90 seconds
  • YouTube Shorts can be up to 60 seconds

Here’s a friendly tip: think about capping your short-form videos at around 60 seconds. This way, you can easily share them on various channels without a hitch!

What are some short-form video best practices?

With only ~60 seconds at your disposal, it’s important to grab your viewers’ attention right from the start! Your viewers scroll past countless videos every day. You’ve got just a few seconds to make them pause and watch, so start with a snappy question, a juicy problem to solve, or a statement that makes them go, “Wait, I want to watch this entire video.”

But what about those silent scrollers? A bunch of people watch videos on mute, so help them out and add some captions. It’s like speaking to the quiet crowd and even makes your content more inclusive for those who might have trouble hearing.

If you don’t have time to film any new short-form content, take your longer listing videos, trim ’em down, and get them ready for the vertical screen era. Your existing long-form video content can have a whole new life in the short-form world.

In order to be the real estate agent everyone looks forward to seeing on their feeds, you have to stay consistent! Set up a schedule and stick to it. This not only builds up excitement but also makes the social media algorithms nod in your favor.


If this all still seems overwhelming, we totally get it. Social media (and video marketing specifically!) can be daunting. Back At You automatically posts all video content to Instagram Reels, YouTube, Facebook, and soon to TikTok! We’re here to alleviate your social media pains by providing tools to immediately amplify the exposure of your brand, distribute engaging content, recruit top talent, and provide transparent analytics to measure the impact of our efforts. If you’re not using our full-service system yet, get in touch with us by emailing