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Realtors know that the real estate business isn’t easy. Even in a market where inventory is low, but demand is always high, it can be challenging to close deals. The truth is real estate is a highly competitive industry that requires a lot of work.

To sell a house, realtors need to market their listings, find the right clients, negotiate deals, navigate paperwork, and stay on top of ever-changing market trends. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme; it takes hard work, dedication, and knowledgeable professionals to make a successful career in real estate.

Most people don’t realize that real estate needs a lot of marketing, especially when the internet came along. For an independent realtor working alone, keeping up with marketing campaigns while staying on top of open houses, meetings, and paperwork can be daunting. If only there were a way to automate a few tasks and free up space for other crucial activities.

You Need Real Estate Marketing Automation

Real estate marketing automation allows realtors to streamline their marketing efforts, freeing time and resources to focus on more critical tasks. Automation can help send targeted emails, automate open house invitations and follow-up emails, and set up automated social media campaigns. It also allows realtors to track and analyze their campaigns, giving them insight into the effectiveness of their efforts.

Automation also helps to keep listings up to date, ensuring that potential buyers are always informed of the latest listings. Automation can make it easier for realtors to manage client relationships, ensuring they’re always in the loop about what’s happening in the market. With real estate marketing automation, realtors can spend more time doing what they do best – selling houses.

If you still need convincing, here are five signs that you need real estate marketing automation.

1. You Are Spending Too Much Time on Manual Tasks

Real estate marketing automation can free up much of your time by automating repetitive tasks like sending emails, setting up social media campaigns, and updating listings. Automation also helps you stay organized by keeping track of all your campaigns and tasks in one place. Additionally, automation can ensure that your campaigns are sent out at the right time and to the right audience so that you can maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

2. You Are Not Able to Track and Measure Your Campaigns

Looking for and interpreting data can be challenging, especially after a hard day of meeting clients and doing the legwork. But by using marketing automation tools, you can easily track and measure the performance of your campaigns. Automation tools will provide detailed insights into your campaigns and help you make better decisions in the future

3. You Are Not Able to Keep Up with the Latest Trends

Automation can help you stay up to date with the latest trends in your industry by allowing you to identify changes in the market quickly. Automation tools can track and analyze customer data and industry news and developments to provide you with detailed insights into the current state of the market. 

Automation can also help you identify emerging trends and potential opportunities in the market. With automation, you can easily adjust your marketing strategies and campaigns to capitalize on these trends. 

4. You Are Not Able to Provide a High Level of Customer Service

The most significant advantage of automation is that it takes care of mundane tasks and frees up time for equally essential activities, such as customer service. When critical but repeating tasks are left to a marketing automation tool, you can dedicate more time and resources to providing high-quality customer service and building customer relationships. 


Real estate marketing automation tools are powerful tools for real estate businesses. They can automate mundane tasks, free up time for customer service, and create personalized, data-driven initiatives that reach the right people at the right time. By leveraging the power of marketing automation, real estate businesses can take their operations to the next level.
Take control of your real estate business with Back At You! Our all-in-one real estate platform provides you with the tools you need to manage your business more efficiently and effectively. Our comprehensive marketing tool called SocialBay is very adept at automating tasks, reaching the right people with personalized campaigns, and freeing up time for customer service. Sign up for Back At You today and start taking your real estate business to the next level!