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In 2021, our goal was to come out with powerful features that you would love and use frequently, and we wanted to make our entire system look and feel unified. We launched our 3 BAY system to create SocialBAY, ClientBAY, and FinancialBAY in our continued efforts to become the leading real estate software available. Below are some 2021 updates from each BAY we want to highlight.


Listing Videos

One of our biggest & most exciting features of the year! Created automatically when you get a new listing, uploaded to YouTube for you, and customizable options for music and template. LEARN MORE

Downloadable Guide Landing Pages

We know how important it is to constantly have new conversations with potential buyers and sellers, so we created educational guides that buyers and sellers can download for free in exchange for their contact info. LEARN MORE


Last year we branched out into the print side of things by introducing a postcard tool to SocialBAY. You’re now able to make sure entire neighborhoods know about your new listings via their mailboxes. LEARN MORE


Improved Checklists

We made checklists significantly more “clean” by allowing for organization in folders as well as a filtering system so you can quickly find what you’re looking for.

New Dashboard Look

The ClientBAY portion of our system was ready for a facelift, so we made updates to its look and feel making it more intuitive and organized. We’ll continue to improve these sorts of things in 2022.

Website Speed Improvements

We made significant strides in terms of how quickly your websites loaded and functioned. Today, people expect sites to load and respond nearly immediately. We continue to take steps to make sure this is always the case with the websites we create for you.


Creating FinancialBAY

The biggest accomplishment here was breaking out FinancialBAY into its own standalone product. In the past, brokerages would have been required to implement a combination of the ClientBAY and FinancialBAY technologies in order to use the powerful financial system. Now, brokerages can purchase and implement FinancialBAY by itself! LEARN MORE

3rd Party Integrations & Imports

We created a LoneWolf import tool as well as API integrations with Quickbooks and DotLoop.