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If you’re a real estate professional using Facebook as a marketing platform, chances are you’re seeing something pretty depressing after you post on your business page. Perhaps something like this…

14 people reached!? After you invited all of your friends, family, previous clients, and even your mailman to Like your Facebook business page and were so excited to get over 200 Page Likes? Maybe you even ran a Facebook ad campaign and got up to 500 Likes! And after all that, you reach 14 people when you post something important? How frustrating is that?

Back At You Media has always made content a priority and a major part of our service, so when Facebook started showing content to less and less of your followers, we knew something had to change. So we did something about it!


Our in-house developers have created a proprietary, algorithmically driven content system that guarantees your posts will be seen. When you sign up for a Guaranteed Reach package, not only will we post great content for you, including local market data, we’ll also make sure that thousands of Facebook users in your area will see that content every month! When you think about getting your face and brand in front your target market, there’s really nothing as effortless and cost-effective as our Guaranteed Reach packages.

Ready to see which package is right for you?
CLICK HERE to take a look at these brand new options or REQUEST A DEMO HERE.

We’re so excited to watch you succeed with these new packages, and would be happy to answer any questions you might have at .