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Video has cemented itself as a part of real estate marketing, and it’s becoming increasingly important as time goes by. Though getting started with video may seem like a daunting and/or pricey task, that doesn’t have to be the case!

Here are some easy, affordable ways to introduce video to your marketing:


Not every video has to be a major Hollywood production, plus sometimes the most simple video is the most effective. As your first foray into video, why not film yourself (or have your assistant film you) simply introducing yourself and talking briefly about your professional values, specialties, etc. Posting the occasional image of yourself with a happy client or with your team is great, but think about how much more is conveyed through a 45 second video. As our Head Social Media Coach, Will says, “People want to work with a real estate agent that they like!” Show followers your personality through a quick intro video that doesn’t involve any editing or major headaches.


If you work in an office, big or small, make a quick video about those that surround you and contribute to your success. You’ll come off as appreciative, supportive, a team player, etc. (all of which are surely adjectives that describe you, but it can be hard to tell all of this from a Facebook business page.) Viewers will be happy to get a look behind the scenes of what makes your business tick, family members of your employees and colleagues will be quick to Like, Comment on, and Share this video, resulting in major exposure.


Now obviously these videos require a happy client, but that should be no trouble for a superstar agent like you. Picture this: A happy couple, perhaps with a cute kid or two, in front of a beautiful new home singing your praises. It simply doesn’t get better than that. Again, no real editing needed, just point and shoot, as they say. A written review is great, of course nothing to turn your nose up at, but if you consistently share video testimonials, your Facebook Page will be a ringing endorsement of your expertise!

Remember, these three suggestions can all be accomplished with a smart phone and about 15 minutes of your time. The return on that investment of 15 minutes will be exponential in terms of brand awareness, plus potential clients will recognize that you’re tech-savvy, an increasingly desirable trait among younger consumers who are quickly growing up.